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How Do Luigi Disposable Vapes Work?

Luigi Disposable Vape consists of four primary components: the battery, the logic board, the wick and the heating coil. Those components work together to ensure that the device works safely and delivers a flavorful, satisfying puff every time. Here’s how Luigi Disposable Vapes work.

  • The battery supplies power to the device. The battery in a disposable vape can usually supply several hundred puffs before it dies. At that point, you’ll need to replace the device unless the battery is rechargeable. If you have a Luigi disposable vape with a USB port, you can recharge the battery when it dies and continue using the device until it runs out of vape juice.
  • The logic board controls the functions of a Luigi disposable vape. It interfaces with the battery and the puff sensor to deliver power to the heating coil when you puff on the device. The logic board is also responsible for the device’s safety functions, which may include automatic overheating, short circuit and low voltage protection. In a rechargeable disposable vape, the logic board also handles the charging function and ensures that the battery stops charging when it reaches its target voltage.
  • The wick holds the disposable vape’s e-liquid and supplies the heating coil with vape juice. In most disposable vapes, the wick is wrapped around the coil. When you vape, the coil vaporizes the vape juice in the inner part of the wick. After you puff on the device, the process of absorption brings more vape juice to the coil from the outer part of the wick. This continues until the wick is dry, and at that point, it’s time to replace the device.
  • The coil is a heating element made from a metal or alloy with a high electrical resistance. When electricity passes through the coil, the resistance causes the coil to produce heat, which vaporizes the e-liquid.

All Luigi disposable vapes are puff activated, which means that the device generates vapor when you puff on the mouthpiece. Between puffs, the wick refreshes the coil with more vape juice. That process continues until the wick is dry, or the battery runs out of power.

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